Friday, 18 July 2014

3D Doodle

Extrusion made in Inkscape. Textures (MotionBlurred Noise) and colours in Gimp.
Inspired by the mighty ChrisF's tutorial.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The Stroke Tutorial II

This tutorial is an update of my Adding a Stroke/Border post from 2013.

Judging from my blog-statistics, people are interested in this technique, but i felt the original post was really ugly and needed an overdo.

So here it is. If you like what you see, please post a comment. Always interested in feedback !

Friday, 11 July 2014

Brushed Aluminium

This tutorial is an update of the brushed aluminium effect i posted one and a half years ago somewhere else.
The effect is very much based on the Satin, the rest is a bevel and a texture.