Sunday, 28 December 2014

Homework [Inkscape]

25x25px Grid - snap rectangles and half of a circle to grid - boolean op with two circles on another rectangle for the top/bottom - union everything - add stroke or duplicate with dynamic offset - tile

Friday, 14 November 2014

From The Vaults

I had another look at my Glass Experiments some time ago, and just found it on my desktop.

Friday, 18 July 2014

3D Doodle

Extrusion made in Inkscape. Textures (MotionBlurred Noise) and colours in Gimp.
Inspired by the mighty ChrisF's tutorial.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The Stroke Tutorial II

This tutorial is an update of my Adding a Stroke/Border post from 2013.

Judging from my blog-statistics, people are interested in this technique, but i felt the original post was really ugly and needed an overdo.

So here it is. If you like what you see, please post a comment. Always interested in feedback !

Friday, 11 July 2014

Brushed Aluminium

This tutorial is an update of the brushed aluminium effect i posted one and a half years ago somewhere else.
The effect is very much based on the Satin, the rest is a bevel and a texture.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

same old

Revisited my Aluminium tutorial and tried to take it one step further with filtering and colour-curves.
Doesnt work on all parts (the 'a' and 'b' look crap), but if you click on the image and open in a new tab, you can see all the detail that i really like in its full 1600x1600px glory.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Street Glitz

Anyone remember ChrisF's Hollywood Glamour texteffect ?

Well that was fun, because i was so fascinated by Chris' excellent result that i wanted to create something similar and one of my experiments was the green glittery Phase2 text.

Last week i finally found the lost xcf on my computer and thought i could write a tutorial.
Unfortunately i cant remember how i did the glitter, which is funny because my techniques are pretty samey and predictable.

So i will present a variation of the Phase2 effect today.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Text with a soul

Tried to put text on a path that is not a circle, again using ofnuts 'Text along path' plug-in.
Trying to find the right values for size was a bit tedious, because it involved a lot of trial and error, but the result was worth it.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Text along a circular path

There are several ways how to put text on a curved path.

One is using the build in Gimp feature of 'Text along path'.
For a description look here: Gimp Manual

An alternative is ofnuts' excellent 'Text-Along-Path' python plug-in, 
which has a ton more options.

You can find the description here: Plug-in Manual

and download it here: Download

on Windows, put it in your:
C → User → gimp-2.8 → plug-ins folder


Another good way of putting text on a path is using Inkscape.
You can edit and scale the text a lot easier than in Gimp !

PhotoAdvanced2 on Youtube has a good tutorial on that topic:

and this one, by VscorpianC is even better:

Monday, 12 May 2014

Meander, an Inkscape Tutorial

Note: this tutorial is outdated !

An updated version can be found here:

Meander were common decorative elements in ancient greek and roman art.
In this tutorial i will show you how to build your own meander pattern in Inkscape.

I also posted the tutorial on InkscapeForum, so if you are interested in reading what people thought of it, and came up with different approaches, click the red link.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Nineties Kung-Fu Buzzsawblade

Made the shapes in Inkscape by live editing tiled clones until i got this result.
Bevelled and chromed with Gimp.